Adding notes to WP-ADMIN

How to add notes to your WordPress pages or posts so only your admin team can see them in WP-ADMIN (i.e. the backend of your website).
This can be very helpful! As you see from the example later on.
Firstly, install the Notely plugin.
After you have installed (& activated) the plugin you should be able to see when editing a page or post, a new panel in the right-hand side:

Fig 1 – how Notely notes panel appears in WordPress backend
All you need to do now is to add whatever text you want in there. I would keep it short & succinct.
Remember: this text is purely for you & your website admin team when editing the page – it doesn’t get shown to your public website visitors.
The notes you enter really come into their own when you see the normal list view of your pages and posts. E.g. look at the screenshot below – this is showing some of the various ‘thank you‘ pages we have on our website, notice how easy it is now to tell them apart?

Fig 2 – how Notely notes show themselves on list view for Pages/Posts
Note: looking at the above, I see the first note “Return from STRIPE” is not very helpful as it does not indicate the page it relates to. I’ve now changed this to “PAYG / Stripe” to reflect this is the return success page from purchases from our pay as you go WordPress help page.
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Help! I don’t see the “Notes” column
If you do not see the notes column when listing out Pages or Posts you may need to click the ‘Screen Options‘ button on the top right, and make sure the ‘Notes‘ checkbox is enabled:

Fig 3 – look for ‘screen options’ to select the columns you want to see
Hope that helps
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Tags: useful plugins
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