WordPress Q&A session – Replay & show notes

Yesterday (Friday the 29th of May, 2020) we had our scheduled go-live session in the Glass Mountains WordPress Q&A Facebook Group. Video below >>

Note: if the video seems a little low res, it’s just because it seems that Google/YouTube are suddenly taking their sweet time putting the higher res versions in place after you upload – it should sort itself out.

The general topic the show was ‘content‘, In the video I give an introduction to the purpose of ‘content‘ on the web and then we had a brief look at the Classic WordPress editor compared to the new Gutenberg editor (though I think we need a single session just on that!).

Links I mention:

  1. My 9, anonymous market research questions about an upcoming product/service << please fill this in if you get a chance!
  2. The list of our upcoming events
  3. My interview with Mark Schaefer about blogging/content
  4. A link to my post on ‘Custom Post Types’ << sounds dull but it’s import for you to consider
  5. I didn’t mention this in my video but I think it’s of use in terms of thinking about your content. It’s a video where I explain how to think about your website content in terms of a visual ‘site map”
  6. Jon Espirian’s post on how to share links in Linkedin 
  7. Convince & Convert website 
  8. Bingewith (the more automated ‘read out my post tool‘ on the Convince & Convert site).


All upcoming events:

  1. 12th of June, another WordPress Q&A like this but on Analytics
  2. 19th of June – WordPress Refresh Workshop (premium event)
  3. 26th of June – an ‘Expert Voices” session with Helen Reynolds on Social Media
  4. 3rd of July – an ‘Expert Voices’ session with Nick Redding on SEO
  5. 17th of July – Expert Voices session with Sue Keogh on ‘Writing for the Web’

Events typically are on a Friday at 14:00 (though the SEO session with Nick will be at 15:00, and the premium event is 10:30 in the morning).

Events typically happen on Facebook as Facebook Live, though some events will also be on YouTube, and some events will be private Zoom sessions (e.g. the premium WordPress Refresh Workshop). If you sign up for an event, you’ll get the full details in email.

More events to come as well. The best way to stay in touch re events is to:

  1. Signup to the webinars newsletter
  2. Join the Facebook Group


That’s all! Have a lovely weekend



p.s. if you’d like us to briefly look at your homepage or website as part of the next session, please let me know. I won’t be too brutal, I promise! The aim is to make helpful observations and for us all take away learning points.


Misc notes for me:

  • try to remember which camera I’m meant to be looking at ;)

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