Search engines take into account more than 200 factors when ranking websites in ‘organic’ search. Glass Mountains’ training will teach you the most important ranking factors and empower you with the knowledge and techniques to maximise your website’s search engine performance.

While Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving, the user experience your website delivers is always the most important consideration. By learning a few simple techniques, you can help to boost your organic traffic, drive more of the right people to your website and engage your target audience. Read on to discover the elements of this essential course.

What will you learn?

Glass Mountains’ introduction to SEO will give your team a solid foundation in the basics of SEO to help drive your business objectives.

What is SEO?

Discover why SEO is important, understand common terminology and the key components for mastering search engine success.

Site crawlability

Is your website discoverable by search engines? We will show you how to make sure that your pages are being indexed and look at common reasons for content not being crawled by Google.


Well-structured, SEO-friendly content is one of the most powerful ways to improve the visibility of your content in search engines like Google.

Technical SEO

We will touch on the key considerations for technical SEO and how to uncover the issues that are holding your website back.

We will show you how to:

  • Find relevant keywords
  • Create compelling content that answers your target audience’s queries, is share-worthy and will earn links from other sites
  • Write impactful and enticing descriptions of your pages for Google’s search results that users want to click – as well as SEO-optimised URLs
  • How to structure web pages effectively


£995 (+VAT) for 4 people

£195 (+VAT) for each additional person

Course running time is approximately 2.5 hours

Learn how to use SEO to drive your business objectives