August 1st, 2016
We’ve recently completed quite a few website reviews and I wanted to share with you a serious, common issue which crops up time & time again. As you look at your website every day, you are too close […] Read more
November 26th, 2015
This week I had my most retweeted tweet and shared item on LinkedIn: Now I was hesitant at sharing this Twitter DM exchange at first as, really, I’m not trying to embarrass anybody (hence no name), […] Read more
May 24th, 2015
I was speaking to someone the other day who is a business partner in a small company. Their website is poor; it has hobbled along the last couple of years; not getting the attention or investment […] Read more
September 8th, 2013
I was recently asked to answer a proposal for a brewery website and one of the requirements was an age verification device which pops up: such as found on the Stella Artois website (above).