Freelance WordPress developer talent required

Updated: 9th October 2021
We are always on the look out for a specific breed of freelance talent who can help us with our ongoing projects & commitments. But before you think “hey, I”m a freelancer and know a bit about Wordpress” or [shudder] a recruitment agency or an off shore company rushes a reply; please take a moment to carefully read the below…
- You are an established, experienced freelance developer (not an offshore agency)
- You are looking for an ongoing relationship, to work alongside your existing clients
- You are highly experienced in WordPress development; which means you know PHP and probably have worked on PHP apps
- You are comfortable with dev technologies such as PHP, GIT, DNS, principles of caching, basic server management etc
- You will probably be based in the UK or the US.
Glass Mountains is a ‘virtual agency’, we don’t have a fancy office, all of our team are remote; dotted around the UK (plus a designer in Germany) so we rarely meet up face to face. Normally we’ll communicate via the usual battery of online tools (Slack, Skype, Zoom, etc).
We have a core team of around 6 people, that’s me (Joel), who owns/runs the company. Then a few other designers, developers, and admin folks. Most of these people have worked with GM for many years – so we’re looking to form a long term relationship here; this is not a shout out because we have an immediate issue on a project. If you are looking for a bit of work to tide you over before you take up your next full time contract etc; we are not for you.*
(*really important).
Who you are?
You will have many years experience with developing with WordPress*. By developing I mean you’ll be a solid programmer by trade – you’ll obviously know PHP inside and out, and you may well know other languages as well (though we are just WordPress here). You’ll know all about WordPress, how it works, how to troubleshoot it, how to squeeze performance out of it. You may have even written your own plugin (or know about how to do it).
(*to stress again: you need to be a seasoned WordPress developer; you are not a designer, or a generalist, or an SEO expert, a plumber etc)
You’ll know the usual tech stuff very well e.g. GIT, the Linux command line, DNS, CDN etc etc. So, whilst you’re not a sysadmin, you know more than enough to get by.
What you’ll do?
We build a lot of bespoke designed sites and our WordPress designers normally need to work with a full WordPress dev at some point to reach the finishing line. That could be helping with plugin configuration, sorting out Advanced Custom Fields etc.
You’ll help put websites live (most of our sites site on CloudWays, Flywheel, or WPEngine) & will help troubleshoot any issues that crop up.
When you’ll work
That’s very much up to you but this role only suits a seasoned freelancer who can offer us a steady stream of availability each week – i.e. this does NOT suit someone with a full time role or contract; we’re not looking for night owls here.
This suits a WordPress dev freelancer who is already juggling (and is planning on continuing to do so) multiple clients. You probably work from your own office.
We typically only need a couple of hours or so a week but, if we need more, we’ll agree and plan that with you. Work is generally pretty regular. Also, if you want more work, we can typically oblige.
Slack etc help us chat about workload and when stuff needs to happen – it’s always jointly agreed so no undue pressure etc.
If that sounds you, then please get in touch – but please, please make sure the above fits you first.
p.s. if you are a recruitment company or an off shore agency then sorry, but there is no point in getting in touch.